Exploring the Impact of Technology on Archaeological Sites in Harris County

In the past two centuries, technology has revolutionized the way archaeologists study and preserve artifacts discovered at archaeological sites located within urban areas of Harris County. From digital tools to collaborative training opportunities, modern archaeologists have access to a variety of resources that can help them better understand ancient cities and the people who lived in them. In the early 19th century, archaeologists such as Jacques Boucher de Perthes and Christian Jürgensen Thomsen began to chronologically order the artifacts they had found. This process, known as archaeological research, involves at least a superficial examination to determine if there are important archaeological sites in the area affected by the proposed construction.

While archaeological adventure stories tend to overlook the hard work involved in carrying out modern studies, excavations, and data processing, these activities are essential for preserving artifacts and understanding our past. The United States Forest Service (USFS) runs a voluntary archeology and historic preservation program called Passport in Time (PIT). This program promotes collaborative training opportunities in archaeological geophysics for students from Cornell, IC and the University of Cyprus. Additionally, archaeologists often have the help of the public to locate archaeological sites, something that professional archaeologists have neither the funding nor the time to do. Today, Cultural Resource Management (CRM) represents most of the archaeological research conducted in the United States and a large part of it also in Western Europe. In addition, Blue Shield International has carried out several research missions in recent years to protect archaeological sites during wars in Libya, Syria, Egypt and Lebanon. The modern description of archaeology has incorrectly shaped public perception of what archaeology is.

For example, because people living in ancient cities often built their homes with wood that decayed long ago, past generations of archaeologists found it difficult to know where people lived in the areas surrounding the Angkor stone palace. When excavating archaeological sites, it is important to remember that all of the layers between the surface and the deepest objects are often destroyed during this process. To prevent this from happening, items excavated from the natural subsoil are normally excavated in portions to create a visible archaeological section for recording. Finally, it is important to consider how climatic factors can affect archaeological deposits and structures. Changes in flora and fauna as well as ground conditions can be caused by climate change, while human responses to this crisis can also affect archaeological sites.