Preserving Archaeological Sites in Harris County: An Expert's Perspective

The significance of safeguarding archaeological sites in Harris County, Texas, cannot be overstated. In May 1990, archaeologists from the Archaeological Research Center at the University of Texas at San Antonio conducted a surface survey and subsurface testing program at De Zavala Point, a small strip of land that straddles the Houston shipping channel. The purpose of this research was to evaluate known archaeological sites and to locate any other archaeological remains that could be affected by the construction and operation of a proposed pier. The assessment revealed extensive prehistoric archaeological remains along the coast of the study area.

These archaeological beach deposits were found to have been redeposited from old flooded land surfaces within the modern navigation channel. Fortunately, these resources are not expected to suffer significant damage if the docking facility is established. In fact, the proposed construction of the pier is likely to stop the degradation of this important historic area related to subsidence. It is essential to carefully monitor the initial phases of dredging and the construction of the docks to ensure that the remains of De Zavala's original house are not destroyed. The exact location of this important historic building and any possible associated structures has yet to be determined.

Therefore, further archaeological research is recommended for the proposed Pennsylvania-Texas shoreline improvement project in Harris County. Preserving archaeological sites is essential for understanding our past and for protecting our cultural heritage. It is also important for protecting our environment and for providing insight into how humans have interacted with their environment over time. Archaeological sites can provide valuable information about past cultures, including their subsistence strategies, technology, and social organization. They can also provide insight into how people adapted to changing environmental conditions. Archaeological sites are also important for educating future generations about our shared history and culture.

By preserving these sites, we can ensure that future generations will have access to this valuable information. Additionally, preserving archaeological sites can help protect them from destruction due to development or other activities. In conclusion, safeguarding archaeological sites in Harris County is essential for understanding our past and protecting our cultural heritage. It is also important for protecting our environment and providing insight into how humans have interacted with their environment over time. Careful monitoring of dredging and construction activities is necessary to ensure that these important sites are not destroyed.