Uncovering the Past: How Technology is Transforming Archaeological Research in Harris County

Archaeology has seen a plethora of advancements over the years, and Harris County, Texas is no exception. From computing power to satellite imagery and GPS, to drones and LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging), technology has revolutionized the way archaeologists investigate and identify archaeological sites both on land and underwater. Drones are particularly advantageous for archaeological research, as they can take pictures in low light and in frosty and snowy conditions, when archaeology can be more easily visualized. This may reflect the pattern of archaeological formations created by combustion or by soil bacteria that can leave magnetic footprints on the ground.

Ground-penetrating radar, which utilizes radar pulses to image the ground, was first applied to archaeology in the early 1980s and has since become an invaluable tool for archaeologists. In addition to aerial technologies, there are also technologies that can be used directly on the Earth's surface or in water. For instance, LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) is a remote sensing technology that uses laser pulses to measure distances between objects. This technology has enabled archaeologists to “see” through the ground without having to excavate, making it possible to identify potential archaeological sites without disturbing them.

The advances in technology have made it possible for archaeologists to explore sites more quickly and accurately than ever before. With the help of these new tools, archaeologists can now uncover more information about our past than ever before. From discovering ancient artifacts to uncovering long-forgotten civilizations, technology has opened up a world of possibilities for archaeologists in Harris County.